SVN solovelanet

SVN solovelanet Gobal n2

SVN solovelanet: rivista digitale dedicata al mondo della vela. Articoli di navigazione, di nautica e barche a vela

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40 SVN Solovelanet Global Yet the name of this island evokes horror, the most despicable madness, and is synonymous with evil: Goli Otok, the naked island, the prison island of Tito's Yugoslavia. For fifty years Goli has been hell on earth, or ra- ther at sea, for thousands of prisoners. Although maintaining a socialist regime, Tito did not tolera- te the interference of Soviet Russia in the count- ry's internal affairs. By the end of the Second World War, Yugoslavia had got rid of the Nazis without Soviet intervention, and for this reason demanded independence from the rigid and blo- ody Stalinist line. This led to Tito's expulsion from Cominform and, following the breach with Stalin, to him being charged with nationalist deviationism. On the other hand, he avoided the disturbing Soviet con- trol of the Balkans. Yugoslavia was in a very risky position, between the NATO countries that were pressing to the west and the intrusive Stalinist presence that hovered like a spectre on Tito's politics. To avoid dan- gerous imbalances towards the USSR, all those suspected of siding with Stalinist politics within Yugoslavia were sentenced to forced labour on Zadar Rijeka Trieste Rovinj Losinj GOLI Otok Nothern Croazia Map

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