SVN solovelanet

SVN solovelanet Gobal n2

SVN solovelanet: rivista digitale dedicata al mondo della vela. Articoli di navigazione, di nautica e barche a vela

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41 SVN Solovelanet Global Goli island.Massacred by the summer sun and scourged by the bora wind in the winter, they had neither trees to shelter them from the elements on the naked island, nor rights to guarantee their lives. The mainland, just a few miles away, was an unreachable mirage because of the currents of the Velebit canal: that was a torture of Tantalus. In 1953, with Stalin's death, the life quality of in- mates improved and the prison started to receive common criminals in addition to political offen- ders, until 1988 when it was closed for good. Goli is the Croatian nemesis of the third millen- nium. It is scary to look at ourselves through the well of our soul. Some argue that all in all Goli was not a concen- tration camp like those of Stalinist Russia or the fascist regimes. After all, "just" sixteen thousand prisoners were incarcerated here in fifty years, and "just" a part of them did not survive. Nothing compared to Soviet gulags or Nazi camps. Someone underplays the inhuman treatment un- dergone by prisoners. Someone thinks that maybe Goli should be reo- pened. On top, a 1949 photo of a military parade on the streets of Goli. Aside, some buildings of the concentration camp that was operational in Goli from 1948 to 1988.

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