SVN solovelanet

SVN solovelanet Gobal n2

SVN solovelanet: rivista digitale dedicata al mondo della vela. Articoli di navigazione, di nautica e barche a vela

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45 SVN Solovelanet Global T he America's Cup has always been re- volutionary, by introducing at each and every edition new concepts which en- ded up setting the bar every time hi- gher. Worth of mention was the 33rd edition (Valencia 2010), where the rigid wingsail was introduced for the first time, multihulls were used, and a massive dose of technology was in- volved. Since then, a large focus has been put into adrenaline and show, making speed and bre- athtaking action the main drivers. The same trend can be seen in other racing sports too, like For- mula 1 and MotoGP. There, engines have been made more powerful along the last few years, and elements like the DRS have been introduced. Although this strike for awesomeness may seem attractive for most of the audience, many other traditionalists raise their eyebrows. We first encountered the foiling concept during the 34th America's Cup (San Francisco, 2013), where the huge AC72 catamarans were involved. In the following edition (Bermuda, 2017) these ca - tamarans were shortened to 50 feet (AC50), the crew reduced from 11 to 6, and the boats made globally safer. If, generally speaking, that transi- tion was not revolutionary in terms of boat's sha- pe, the next edition will definitely be. The 36th America's Cup takes place in Auckland in 2021 and shifts back to monohulls, which, ho- wever, are everything but traditional. The main novelties are probably two. by Daniele Cirigliano

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