SVN solovelanet

SVN solovelanet Gobal n2

SVN solovelanet: rivista digitale dedicata al mondo della vela. Articoli di navigazione, di nautica e barche a vela

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59 SVN Solovelanet Global Sometimes a third reef allows you to depower the main in a safe and easy manner than rigging a trysail. The sailing community is divided in choosing the third reef or a trysail, as mantioned before I prefe - re sailing with three reef and using the trysail as an heaving-to sail, so the conclusion is not about the choice between them but having both third reef and trysail and use them wisely. Running off Sailing downwind is the best way to face storm win- ds and consequent heavy seas. The best angle is about 15 degree leaving waves on your quarters, this allows the best surfing performances and keep you away from breaking crests and makes pitchpoling unlikely. Reaching usually is more comfortable and someti - mes very exciting but require lot of concentration at the helm to avoid involuntary jibes or knock down. In ocean sailing there is no problem about sea room, if you are in a cosatal navigation consider these fac - tors like distance from the shore or the proximity of a shipping lane. If conditions becomes prohibitive. For a low ratio Third Reef is a more handy solution than trysail and allow to trim the mainsail and a more versatile sailplan even in challenging conditions In these pictures, two Clip- pers are using the Yankee for strong winds

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