SVN solovelanet

SVN solovela Global n3

SVN solovelanet: rivista digitale dedicata al mondo della vela. Articoli di navigazione, di nautica e barche a vela

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77 SVN Solovelanet Global D o orcas attack humans? The answer is certainly affirmative for captive animals. On the other hand, there is no evidence that orcas attack humans when they are in their habitat. In captivity there have been several fatal attacks. In 2010 two distinct orcas, Keto and Tilikum, the for- mer in Spain and the latter in Florida, attacked and killed their trainers during a show before the terrified eyes of hundreds of people. That year, the first one to pay the price for his gre - at passion for animals was Alexis Martinez, the 29-year-old trainer of Keto, a male orca aged 15 at the time of the accident. Alexis had been training Keto for several years and the two of them got along perfectly, but one day, during a show, Keto started be-having in an odd way, and before its trainers rea - lized something was wrong, the animal. turned to its trainer, took him and pushed him underwater where Do orcas attack humans? it tore him apart. After a while it came out with Alex- is's battered body in its jaws. Three months later in Florida, during a show at the Seaworld, the largest water park in the world, the orca Tilikum who had been working for years with its trainer Dawn Bran - cheau, began to behave abnormally and suddenly pushed Dawn under water and did not allow her to re-emerge. In this case too, the orca whacked the woman's body. In the case of Tilikum, the matter was more serious and there was much controversy, because a few ye - ars earlier the animal had mauled a drunk man who had intruded among the pools and fallen into the one where Tilikum was, so the fact that the animal had no inhibition about attacking humans was well known. Despite being responsible for two deaths, the orca continued to work until its own death in Jan-uary 2013 at the age of 36. Dawn Brancheau uccisa dall'orca Tilikum al Seaworld Park nel 2010 Alexis Martinez killed by killer whale Keto during a show at Loro Parque in Tenerife in 2010

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