SVN solovelanet

SVN solovela Global n3

SVN solovelanet: rivista digitale dedicata al mondo della vela. Articoli di navigazione, di nautica e barche a vela

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106 SVN Solovelanet Global I n our talks with charter companies based in the Mediterranean, we are finding out that even for this season no one is booking in Croatia, Italy or Spain from abroad. "At present there are few boo - kings, and all of them are domestic", told us Dome- nico Longobardo of Sailitalia, Mooring and Sunsail dealer in Italy based in Procida, a wonderful island in front of Naples. Although it is now clear that vac- cination campaigns are about to begin in January throughout Europe and herd immunity is going to be achieved by late spring, yachtsmen in northern Europe are still doubting and waiting. But while they wait, this year they are seriously risking to spend another vacation ashore, because in such places as Italy and Spain the most affluent population groups are now aware that a boating vacation is the safest, both against Covid and against any other virus. So they are hurrying to book as they did last year when in Italy, after the end of the lockdown, the hunt for charter boats broke out and charter companies were fully booked in a short time. "Last year we were unable to meet several requests from French and Germans who wanted to come to Procida in the first two weeks of September because the demand from Italians was absolutely surprising - confirms Domenico Longobardo - so much so that we recovered at least part of what we lost in March and April " When asked about what he is expecting for this year, Domenico replied: "This year I think there will be many Italians, but I also hope that our Northern European friends will be able to come and visit us to enjoy all the wonders that this land can offer them" D ear ladies and gentlemen of the editorial staff of SVN Global, last week I received a newsletter from you on my e-mail browser, that invited me to read SVN Global no. 2, the second issue. As a sai - ling enthusiast and the happy owner of a Hallberg Rassy 46 that I keep moored near Venice, so as to be able to often visit the most beautiful city in the world and Italy, the country where my mother was born and which I love so much, I have not missed the opportunity to leaf through a new sailing magazine, especially because of the digital format. I like to keep things fresh. From the very first pages I realized I was looking at something really new. I am used to reading English magazines that graphically leave something to be desired and deal with monothematic topics. Each of them handles the subject of sailing from its own point of view only, while SVN impressed me both for its modern and pleasant graphic style, that is very Mediterranean, and for its contents. I read the article "A tragic cruiser", a story that I had already read elsewhere in the press, and found out that SVN explained and analyzed it even with drawings. I also liked Heavy Seas, written by that journalist who works with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, but the part I found most convincing was the comparison between the Oceanis 51.1 and the Sun Odyssey 490. It was straightforward, clean-cut and did not hide anything. I had never read a comparison like this before. Starting from the magazine, I went on watching your videos. Here you should be a little more technical, but images are wonderful, I had never seen this quality level in any videos of sailing magazines. I wish to express my congratulations and my encou - ragement to continue on this path. A heart touching letter Charter: rischio overbo oking

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