SVN solovelanet

SVN solovela Global n3

SVN solovelanet: rivista digitale dedicata al mondo della vela. Articoli di navigazione, di nautica e barche a vela

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69 SVN Solovelanet Global I t almost looks like something out of a novel, and yet it is a true story. Off the northwest coast of Spain, the Iberian government was forced to forbid boats of less than 15 me - tres in length from sail-ing beyond 60 miles. The reason? In that area, some orcas have re- peatedly bumped into sailing boats, fortunately without serious damage.It is likely to be a pack made up mostly of young and a bit too impe- tuous individuals, to put it mildly. The curiosity of orcas towards sailboats is nothing new and the history of Italian sailing records a disastrous episode, the sinking of Giorgio Falk's Guia III. In the 1970s, a regatta named the Atlantic Trian - gle was held. It was a race in stages, in crew, which started from Saint Malò in France and made stops in Cape Town in South Africa and Rio in Brazil, before heading back to England with the final leg in Portsmouth. During the last stage, while she was crossing the Atlantic Oce - an, the boat armed by Giorgio Falk, who was not on board at that time, sank. It was not a structural problem: it was an orca that sunk her. by Jean Bonnet

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